Mobility Scooters and the Highway Code – Part 1

Our customers’ safety and welfare is our main priority. In the first blog post of two parts, the Quingo team want to look at the Highway Code and what it has to say surrounding mobility scooters.

What is the Highway Code?

The Highway Code is a compendium of advice, information, guides and mandatory rules for all road users in the UK. Its main purpose is to promote safety on the roads.

The Highway Code applies to pedestrians, animals, cyclists, motorcycles, drivers and mobility scooter users. It’s prepared and updated by the Department for Transport and the Driving Standards Agency.

First published in 1931 as an 18-page booklet, the Highway Code has been regularly updated ever since to reflect the changing nature of Britain’s roads.

The difference between Class 2 and Class 3 vehicles

The Highway Code places mobility scooters into two separate categories: Class 2 and Class 3. Class 2 vehicles can’t go any faster than 4mph and are designed to be used on pavements.

Examples of Class 2 vehicles include the Quingo Classic, the Quingo Flyte, the Quingo Compact and the Quingo Air. Class 2 users should always use the pavement where it’s available. Where there is no pavement, due caution should always be taken.

Class 3 vehicles include the Quingo Plus, the Quingo Vitess and the Quingo Toura. These scooters have a maximum speed of 8mph and are equipped to be used on the road as well as the pavement. This topic is also included in the FAQs section of this website.

Mobility scooters and the Highway Code: Driving on pavements

When driving your scooter, you should be aware that pavements are safer than roads and they should be used when available. The Highway Code also observes that you should give pedestrians priority and show consideration of other pavement users.

Quingo Scooters
A Quingo scooter user on the pavement

If your Quingo 5 wheel scooter can go faster than 4mph, it’s important to remember that you mustn’t go any faster than this speed in pedestrian areas or on pavements. You might have to reduce your speed to adjust to other pavement users who might not be able to get out of your way quickly enough, or in situations where the pavement’s too narrow.

Special care should be taken when moving off the pavement onto to road. You should always look around and make sure it’s safe to join the traffic. When driving back onto the pavement, you shouldn’t try and negotiate a kerb that’s higher than the specifications outlined in your Quingo’s individual handbook & service manual.

Safety and mobility

Your safety when driving your Quingo is our main priority. That’s why we recommend to all of our customers to regularly refer to the Highway Code – the number one resource for road safety.

Keep a lookout for our next blog post in which we’ll be talking about what you need to consider when driving your Quingo on the roads.