Taking your Quingo on the Train – Part 2

We’ve previously written about taking your Quingo scooter on the train by making use of the Passenger Assistance scheme.

Prefer to plan and book your journey yourself?

It’s not always possible, or desirable to book your journey in advance and you may prefer to organise this yourself. If this applies to you, here are some key points to consider before you start your journey:

  • As with travelling by bus, your scooter must be Class 2 type and meet certain size limits.
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Simple maintenance for your Quingo

Today we want to look at some simple maintenance checks you should regularly do on your Quingo. These are to ensure safety and optimal performance of your scooter. We’ve also shared some brief tips on how to clean your scooter, and keep it looking its best.

Making sure your Quingo’s in top shape

Here are some general points that apply to all of the scooters in the Quingo range. These are quick and easy examinations that can be done regularly.

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Taking your Quingo on the Train – Part 1

In the second of a series of articles about accessible public transport, today the Quingo team present our guide to trains.

Getting out and about

You already know how easy it is to get out and about on your Quingo, but did you know that more and more people with limited mobility are now travelling by train?

The government’s ‘Railways for All’ strategy came into effect in 1998 and has already gone some way to improving the rail travel experience.

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Exercises you can do on your Quingo

The Quingo team want to help you to improve your mobility and overall wellbeing whilst helping you to keep active and get out and about. With this in mind we want to highlight some gentle and effective exercises you can do whilst seated on your Quingo.*

Quingo scooters offer supreme comfort

As a Quingo scooter user, you’re already sitting in the best anatomical position which will help to prevent aches and pains from sitting down too long. If you also want to keep active while on your scooter here are some gentle exercises to help improve circulation and reduce stiffness.

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